Tuesday 8 November 2016

The Shining

The scene 'Come Play With Us' begins with a tracking shot of Danny as he rides his tricycle around the corridors of the hotel. Danny appears so small on the tricycle in comparison to the huge corridors and this makes him appear more vulnerable and as he cycles off, he gets further and further away from the camera, appearing like he is disappearing and in danger. As Danny turns the first corner, the camera doesn't follow and instead lingers on a shot of the corridor whilst still slowly tracking forward, this makes the viewer aware that Danny is not safe as even the camera didn't follow him. The next shot is of Danny in a smaller corridor and the camera is still tracking behind him. As he abruptly turns round the a tight corner there is a sudden increase in the non-diegetic music as a shrill high-pitched sound is heard. This is a common convention of Horror movies as they are usually unexpected and build fear. The use of the high pitched sound made me think that something bad was about to happen and prepared myself for what is going to be round the corner. The camera follows him around the corner and blocking his path is two young girls, this came as a shock to me as we had been made fully aware that no one else was in the hotel apart from Jack, Wendy and Danny, meaning that something is not right. Danny abruptly stops as this appearance has taken by shop, this is shown by a reaction shot of a close up of his face where he has a shocked expression alongside him heavy breathing which emphasises his fear and panic in the situation, a series of shot reverse shots are then shown between the close up of Danny and a long shot of the back of Danny's head with the girls at the end of the corridor, this creates tension for the viewer. The girls speak in a very slow tone which gives off a very creepy vibe and provokes fear within the audience, they also have a slight echo effect which is a typical convention in horror films as it gives off an unnatural feeling. They ask Danny to 'Come play with us' this scared me as Danny is a naïve young child who would probably do exactly what they asked, after this sudden shots of the girls covered in blood after being killed by their father are shown, this suggests that they want to kill Danny too. Alongside these shots are loud non-diegetic sounds which on their own would not create that much fear, but with the disturbing footage of the girls it provokes even more fear into the audience and made me feel scared. The next shot is another reaction shot of Danny and this time his mouth is wide open and he appears very shocked and scared about what he is witnessing. Shots of the girls covered in blood appear in between shots of the girls saying 'Forever and ever' this gives a distressing feeling and emphasises the eeriness, there is a bloody axe in front of the girls bodies which is the weapon that Jack was going to kill Wendy and Danny with, so this is significant as it is foreshadowing what Danny's fate could be. Danny then covers his eyes which emphasises that he is still a child with the fact that he is trying to hide himself from the girls when he is still clearly visible. As Danny slowly peels back his fingers, the music becomes much more intense which would lead me to believe that the girls would be standing directly in front of Danny which would create a jump scare, but instead, the girls are gone. In the corridor there is a prominent 'EXIT' sign situated by one of the doors which would suggest to Danny that it is very dangerous and he needs to leave.

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